goatPIERROT Ceramic Art Toy [Birbauble BB23.052: Cherry Blossom]
Name: Pink Flower Birbauble
Body orb diameter: Between 1.25" and 1.5"
Fashion: Pink flower hood, with smaller pink flowers on body.
Distinguishing attributes/Blemishes: None
Clay: Kentucky Mudworks Kota Porcelain.
Color: Amaco Underglaze
Glaze: Kentucky Mudworks Super Clear
Back in January 2023, I made forty of these Birbaubles, all roughly the same size, to create a buffer of available pieces while larger and more complex Tinybirdmen are in the works.
With so many small canvases available, I was able to do a fair amount of experimentation in February with new designs (to varying degrees of success).
These Birbaubles have now entered the shop in great number, so that you might have some fun seeing all the new variations - some of which will be coming back, others which will probably one-offs.
Happy perusing!
Safety warning: goatPIERROT ceramics are small, shiny, and not meant for children, as legs and bodies may become choking hazards.
See customer photos of Tinybirdman around the world!